Earnings Disclaimer

At Coach Academy, we are committed to providing educational content and tools to help you grow your coaching business. However, we make no guarantees regarding the results or earnings you may achieve from using our services. By using our website, products, or services, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. Disclaimer: No Earnings Projections, Promises, or Representations

You recognize and agree that Coach Academy has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever about future earnings or financial success as a result of your participation in our programs or services. We have not authorized any such projections, promises, or representations by others.

Any earnings or income examples, statements, or testimonials provided on our website, in marketing materials, or during coaching sessions are estimates of what we believe you could earn. However, there is no assurance that you will achieve similar results. If you rely on any information provided by Coach Academy, you must accept the risk that your results may differ and could be significantly lower.

3. No Guarantee of Past or Future Earnings

There is no assurance that any prior successes or past results as to earnings or income will apply to your particular situation. No previous earnings or results can be considered an indicator of your future success. Any claims regarding earnings or income (whether monetary or in the form of credits) are not to be interpreted as “average” or guaranteed results.

4. Factors Affecting Success

The Economy: The overall economy—whether locally, nationally, or globally—can significantly affect your business outcomes. Economic conditions, such as recessions or depressions, can negatively impact your earnings potential.
Your Success or Lack of It: Your success in applying the information or strategies taught by Coach Academy is determined by several factors that are unique to you, including but not limited to your background, skills, work ethic, motivation, dedication, and business acumen. Since we do not know you or your circumstances, we cannot predict your success and make no guarantees that you will achieve any specific financial outcome.
Business and Market Risks: Operating an online coaching or consulting business involves unknown risks, and our services may not be suitable for every individual. You acknowledge and understand that you may experience significant financial losses, including but not limited to the fees paid for our services and any funds spent on marketing, setup, and operations.

5. Forward-Looking Statements

Materials on this website, including information provided during coaching sessions or downloaded content, may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are intended to reflect our expectations and forecasts for future events, but they are not guaranteed. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “expect,” “plan,” and similar terms are used to identify forward-looking statements.

While we may share our opinion on potential earnings or business outcomes, many factors will influence your actual results. No guarantees are made that you will achieve similar outcomes, and you acknowledge that your results may vary.

6. Due Diligence

You are advised to conduct your own due diligence and exercise caution before making any business decisions based on the information provided by Coach Academy. We recommend consulting with qualified professionals, such as your accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor, before acting on any information from our website, coaching programs, or materials.

Nothing on our website or in our materials should be interpreted as professional advice. We assume no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from your reliance on any content, opportunities, or information provided by Coach Academy.

7. Purchase Price

The purchase price of Coach Academy products, programs and services has been set by us based on the value we believe our programs provide. You agree and understand that the price does not necessarily reflect any objective industry standard, and has been set arbitrarily by Coach Academy.